Monday, July 13, 2009

Rain? What - again??!

Ah, thanks (note the sarcasm, note the sarcasm!!) Mother Nature, for another short day. This time I rushed out to Missy to get her done at the very least, if no one else. *sigh* the challenges of having to work horses outdoors, lol.

Today I brought Koolaid along with us and just let him graze while Missy and I worked, so that Missy would be perhaps more willing to concentrate on me (not a long-term solution, but while we work on our partnership, it's a helpful short-term solution towards progression). We only did a couple of games (circling game, etc) before I hit the saddle in an attempt to avoid the rain. She was pretty grumpy, but we did w/t/c in either direction as well as some nicely balanced circles, some turns on the forehand, and some turns on the hind. I am hoping tomorrow I can work her in the Happy Mouth maybe? Her teeth we will hopefully be able to do later this week, but I am hoping she lets me work her with the bit prior to having her teeth done - we'll see! Anyways, she did great; the issue isn't with her capabilities but with getting her to want to work with me ;) Maybe not being in heat will help as well! Hahaha.

Sure enough, by the time Missy and I finished (amidst loud thunder claps), it started raining - none of the flash floods like we had last week, but still enough rain to restrict any further work. Buegh. SO, here I am, blogging. Oh, and making preparations to pick up the new truck.

Enjoy the day, and hopefully the weather is better wherever you are than it is here!

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